Creative ideas for your cotton napkins
Pretty, absorbent, warm and pleasant to touch… cotton napkins are an essential part of any formal or informal meal. They have a clear practical function but also an aesthetic one. Here we share some original and different ideas for table and home decoration with cotton napkins.

Pretty, absorbent, warm and pleasant to touch… cotton napkins are an essential part of any formal or informal meal. They have a clear practical function but also an aesthetic one. Here we share some original and different ideas for table and home decoration with cotton napkins.
Perhaps the most common way of turning cotton napkins into a more ornamental element is to fold it on the table in an original, fun or elegant way. In some previous articles we have explained how to do it:
- How to fold cotton napkins to turn them into cutlery holders
- How to fold cotton napkins for the Christmas table
- How to fold cotton napkins for the New Year’s Eve table
However, today we are focusing on discovering other possibilities. As well as using the cotton napkins to wipe our hands and mouth while we eat, how can we get the maximum use out of these attractive pieces of fabric? The fact is there are a great variety of colours and patterns to dress a table, a source of inspiration for our creativity!
Candles with style
Matching cotton napkins and placemats to amaze our guests, because we know that fabrics are the main dressing of a table and it is very important to combine them correctly. On the other hand, we also know that the warm and soft light of candles, an unbeatable ally when creating a cosy atmosphere to quietly enjoy our meal.
What happens if we join the two ingredients together: candles wrapped with our favourite fabrics? We get attractive and original customised candles, which we can combine with cotton napkins and placemats to create a harmonious and even more special atmosphere.
This is precisely what the VPA Company suggests to us, who have been dedicated to making handicraft candles for years. Now, captivated by the MY DRAP collections, they have a specific page on their website with candles wrapped with MY DRAP fabrics.
They currently offer packs of 6 candles decorated with the Ola and Red Wales collections, which combine plain color with blue and red. They will shortly be extending the collections available so that you can choose the candles that best combine best with the table and nature of the celebration.
And if you like handicrafts, you can also try to customise your candles with the colours and collections you like most.
Handicraft jars
They are the healthiest and most ecological packaging: glass is a highly sustainable material and gives off no particle or component in the food they contain. Delicate and transparent, glass jars usually hold something valuable and generally traditionally made. Perhaps this is why this type of recipient is becoming fashionable again, in this desire to revitalise the rustic and connect with nature once again.
In fact our ancestors already used fabrics to cover jam jars and other homemade recipes.
Today, the different colours, patterns and sizes of the MY DRAP cotton napkins can be our best allies to dress jars: a variety of styles and maximum convenience on having small cotton napkins in precut rolls (we save time cutting them, and guarantee a better final finish ;)).
Tied with a raffia bow or something similar, they can become a perfect detail for your guests, whether in a more informal gathering or also in table decoration for country weddings.
Other ideas for decorating with your cotton napkins
Decoration with fabrics provides an endless number of possibilities, whether for big celebrations and events or in smaller spaces, such as the dining room or rooms in your home. It also enables us to play around with different sizes, textures, patterns and shades to achieve a unique atmosphere. A more or less elegant decoration, more or less fun-like, according to the occasion, but always with this touch of quality that we like so much.
On this occasion, we focus on suggestions for the decoration of different details with cotton napkins. They are original gifts that you can combine with table fabrics, customising them with this colour and pattern that after a while will still directly recall the meal or celebration that you held.
They are just a few ideas, and on the social media and talking with friends you will surely find many more!
- Making aromatic sachets
- Making all types of bags and casings
- Customising the covers of notebooks and diaries, with the known technique of scrapbooking
- Designing a customised bookmark
You can also decorate Christmas trees and other home elements with cotton napkins, whether in loose pieces or a surprising garland 😉